
Press release
Exhibition: (Re)visions a touring solo project at the Long Gallery, Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Wollongong and CIMA Arts Inc. portland, victoria, Australia

“Freshness and vitality” is what come to mind in first encountering prints created by Mukesh Sharma. Technical excellence, of the sort displayed in Mukesh’s work is only to be expected from a five Arts post graduate of MS University Baroda, India, what is often astonishing is the artistic maturity, originality and commitment to a unique vision in so young an artist.

His work as a whole brings to mind the virtuosity of a master musician, for Mukesh has the ability to express a range of emotions- brooding, joyful, serene- combined with a perfect sense of pitch and a perfect eye for colour. Frequently hid works manages to bring past and present together – a vibrant combination of traditions. colours, and landscape of his native Rajasthan, interpreted and
presented with a modern vision and a willingness to experiment with the most contemporary materials and practices. It is this combination that gives his work such vitality a reworking and reclaiming of the past that makes it fully present.

Mukesh Sharma uses and combines multiple media beautifully to produce works of great richness, depth and texture, bringing a freshness and passion to creativity that is not contained in any one media, For his investigation into his life and Indian culture, he uses viscosity printing, layering of images, repetition of shapes, painted surfaces and multi plate processes. Whatever the medium employed in the layering techniques, it is done with notable assurance and command whether for printmaking or painting on paper and canvas.

Mukesh’s best work excels at taking images that are mundane (a fence, a wall, a couple), and transforming them so we see them anew. This is, if anything, what we want and need most form contemporary art – that it teach our tired eyes to see the world anew. “I am delighted that Mukesh has this opportunity to take a bit of his world to Australia. And I am certain the exhibit will not disappoint those who see it”, stated Deborah Williams, a private art collector, currently based in USA.

“Mukesh’s images became a memory that stayed with me when I returned home to Australia” said Judy Bourke, ‘’so as Part of my project ‘ Safer Colours, Healthy Fun New work’ I have invited Mukesh Sharma to Australia to interact with Australian culture and artists.’’ practice with its rich
indigenous heritage and multicultural practices of contemporary visual art” . Ms Bourke added

“I congratulate Mukesh Sharma on his work, and welcome him to the New South wels for his first Australian solo projects/exhibitions, at the Long Gallery, Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Wollongong. It will open on the 22nd on January 2004 and kick off the 2004 exhibition program at dthe Long Gallery” stated Ms Bourke.

For himself, Mukesh Sharma, believes that the medium of art is capable of enhancing mutual understanding across cultures, and hops that his exhibition will contribute in a small way towards a richer intercultural communication and mutulas appreciation and respect. While visiting Australia Mukesh Sharma will also conduct a workshop for artist at which he expects to impart his skills and techniques, particularly those associated with Australian artists and learning about new /experimental techniques, practices and materials. (Compiled by Dr M J Patel)

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